Tradition and Reform - Professional training in Solingen and Bielefeld metal industry since the turn of the century

By comparing the historical development of vocational education in the Solingen cutlery and the Bielefeld sewing machines and bicycle industry since the turn of the century is to determine to what extent the industrial vocational training in the context of the socio-economic development of regions is. There are regional types of partial modernization of industrial training in the 20 Century studied.

The comparative analysis proceeds from the assumption that the approach taken in the construction of a modern industrial training system strategy of industrial companies in the German metal industry, professional careers after 1900 to the techno-economic market conditions through the institutionalization of the teaching of systematic knowledge and skills in the dual system adjust industrial training, at regional level pushed to the limits. These values were in the Solingen cutlery industry by the tradition-influenced hand-set and professional socialization in Bielefeld's sewing machine and bicycle industry with the specific conditions of the skilled workers trained in one of the first mass-production industries.

This project was carried out by: Johannes Großewinkelmann