Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements (zugleich Mitteilungsblatt des Instituts für soziale Bewegungen)

No.56 (2016) - Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements

Enrico Dal Lago

Emancipation from Slavery and Serfdom, and Land Rights, pp. 5-23.

Traugott Jähnichen

Protestantism and the Trade Union Movement in the 20th Century – from ideological Confrontation to Socio-Political Cooperation, pp. 25-44.

Jared R. Donelly

Through the Iron Curtain. West German Activists and the 1961 San Francisco to Moscow Walk for Peace, pp. 45-71.

Benedikt Sepp

Beyond the Buttocks as a Political-Geographical Model – A Praxeological Approach to West Germany’s National Revolutionaries, pp. 73-92.

Stephen Milder

From Whyl to Wall Street, pp. 93-113.

Gildas Brégain

Comparative Study of Two Protest Marches for Disabled People’s Rights (Spain 1933 – Bolivia 2011), pp. 115-140.

Konrad Gutkowski and Dagmar Kift

On “Events Heard” – researching and Re-using Industrial Soundscapes, pp. 141-147.

Raffael Beier

Workshop Report, pp. 149-153.

Stefan Berger

What is New in the History of Social Movements?, pp. 155-167.